race two:
was gonna cal it the SEVEN MILE GANG BANG but didnt want to put people off so i called it the SEVEN MILE GROUP ACTION.
the format was team race where each member of each team had to rideone of four courses and find the letters hidden thorugh the courses. then the teams had to get togther anf figure out the anagram. easy.
T-MAN, TIM CECI, GINA AND JT HUCK won the "race".
this week the race only cost $2 (procedes going to QMTBC) but riders had to bring 2 beers. one to drink themselves and the secong goes into the prize fund.
i like drinking races. well races with drinking involved.
we had some visiting pros attend. emmeline ragot and joe barnes.
pinners pinned it, people rode it and everyone drank. perfect.
races will be every wednesday starting in 09.