Sunday, August 3, 2008


News is starting to circulate that Kelly McGarry killed it at Crankworx Colorado and came 7th, AND QUALIFIED FOR THE MAIN EVENT, WHISTLER CRANKWORX!!!!!

what a fucking champ!!! above is a stolen photo of said man sending a big gap with twizzly steez

1 comment:

TRUBMX said...

yeh heard he got a wild card that's how he got in the comp !! NZ repin it !!! i just hope he was landing shit ha ha as i seen him going hard a few years bac at the slope jam thang in whistler an he was way too excited ha ha & just kept bailin !!! Good shit either way ,7th is dope!! as long as it involves fun & wheels it's mos def the shit !! PEACE

ps , Henry's trails are lookin sweet & loads of uther dribble from me & the surroundings ha ha James